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Home> Destinations> Asia> Guilin> See> Themed Routes

A journey of country life

Updated: 2015-03-06 / (wtcf.travel)

[Photo from guilin.com]

Despite being a city that embraces modernity, evidence of Guilin’s fine environment and country lifestyle is everywhere. Starting from the source of Lijiang River, natural views can be seen almost everywhere. In this green kingdom, country life instills a sense of coziness and harmony.

Attractions: Lijiang Crown Cave Scenic Area, Shangri-La, Jinzhongshan Resort, Guilin Longji Terraced Field Scenic Area, Shenlong Water World Resort, Gongcheng Red-Rock Scenic Area, Guilin Peach Blossom River Scenic Area, Water Villa, Daxu Old Town, Yangshuo Qixian Peak Ecological Tea Park


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