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Home> Destinations> Asia> Kathmandu> Shopping> Boutiques and Luxuries
  • Gems & Jewellery

    Nepal has some of the best goldsmiths and silver smiths in the worid.

  • Handicrafts, Arts and Antiques

    The remarkable choices of handicrafts made in Nepal are immensely popular throughout the world.

  • Handwoven Cloths

    Many weavers in the Valley produce handwoven cot ton cloth of many colors and patterns.

  • Metal Works

    The metal work is also exceptional.

  • Pashmina & Cashmere

    Pashminas are made from the inner fur of the Himalayan Lambs and are popular for their softness of touch and natural color.

  • Thankas & Paubhas

    For hundreds of years, scroll paintings have decorated the walls of monasteries, temples, and homes in East Asia.

  • New neem Rana Gift House

    We deal with fine quality silver Jewellery.

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