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Home> Destinations> Europe> Minsk> See
  • Historical

    Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul

    The church until the beginning of XIX century was an Orthodox cathedral.

  • Museum

    National Art Museum of Belarus

    The museum of the Republic of Belarus has the largest collection of works of art.

  • Historical

    Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary was rebuilt and adapted for learning sports platform of society "Spartak".

  • Historical

    Minsk City Hall

    The City Hall is a symbol of municipal government. During 16-19th centuries it was rebuilt several times.

  • Historical

    Independence square

    Independence Square is a part of the main street through the center of Minsk - the prospect Nezalzhnasci.

  • Museum

    Minsk History Museum

    The museum building is an architectural monument of XIX century. It was established by decree of the Minsk city executive committee.

  • Park and Gardens

    Loshitskiy Park

    Loshitsky park – one of the most picturesque parks in Minsk and favorite vacation spot of citizens.

  • Park and Gardens

    Victory Park

    Park is located between Prospect Masherov and Pobediteley streets ,Orlovskaya and Starovilensky tract, with a total area of 150 hectares.

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