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Macau Lotus Flower Festival

Updated: 2014-06-20 / (macautourism.gov.mo)

The Macau Lotus Flower Festival, falling every year in summer, showcases the beautiful perennial aquatic plant found far and wide throughout China. Every year, the festival highlights a particular lotus flower species, which admirers can see at the Taipa Houses-Museum and in the Suzhou-inspired Lou Lim Ieoc Garden among other places. Potted lotuses can also be found in major parks, on many streets and in popular sightseeing spots around Macau, a colourful and enchanting reminder of the centrepiece the lotus plays in the design of the Macau SAR flag. Seasonal lotus-themed cuisine also makes a tasty appearance in some local Chinese restaurants!

14th Macau Lotus Flower Festival

Date: Jun 13-21, 2015


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