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Home> Destinations> Asia> Macao> Eat and Drink> Local Cusine

Local Snack Favourites

Updated: 2014-06-21 / (macautourism.gov.mo)

Some ‘must-try’ items are found on street stalls, with Pastéis de Nata (Portuguese egg tarts) and ‘pork chop buns’ established favourites of Hong Kong and Taiwanese visitors.

Rua de S. Paulo, Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro (popularly-known as ‘San Ma Lo’), Rua da Felicidade, Travessa do Auto Novo near Senado Square and Rua do Cunha in Taipa Village are the places to find local snacks, packed with shops selling Macau delicacies like almond cakes, egg rolls, peanut candies, roasted sliced meat and many other local specialties.

Some of the snacks are cooked right in front of you – and all make excellent gifts for your nearest and dearest.


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