3) Zhuhai (Wanchai) → Macau
The Yuet Tung Shipping Co. Ltd. provides roundtrip sailings between Macau (Inner Harbour Ferry Pier and Taipa Temporary Ferry Terminal) and Zhuhai (Wanchai).
For enquiries, please call (853) 2893 9944
Website: http://www.ytmacau.com
4) Guangzhou (Nansha) → Macau
TurboJET operates a ferry service between Macau (Macau Ferry Terminal) and Guangzhou (Nansha) on weekends.
For enquiries, please call:
Hong Kong(852)2859 3333
International toll free Tel: 00800 3628 3628 (available in Mainland China, Macau and Taiwan)
Website: http://www.turbojet.com.hk