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Home> Destinations> Europe> Dublin> Shopping> Shopping Areas

Blackrock Market

Updated: 2014-07-15 / (visitdublin.com)
[Photo from visitdublin.com] 
Blackrock Market: where to buy just about anything worth having.
Soak up the lively atmosphere and unique character of one of Dublin's most intriguing destinations.
Develop a taste for market shopping as you wander through the maze of stalls.
A market is not just for trading, but a way of life, serving the local community.
Keep it real, and if you go to only one market in Dublin, make it the Blackrock Market.
Opening hours:
Saturdays and Sundays 11:00am - 5.30pm
Bank Holiday Mondays 11:00am - 5.30pm
Address: 19a Main Street, Blackrock, South Dublin
Contact: +353 1 283 3522, blackrockmarketmanager@gmail.com
Web: www.blackrockmarket.com

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