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Home> Destinations> Asia> Sapporo> See> Historical

Sapporo Clock Tower

Updated: 2014-07-22 / (welcome.city.sapporo.jp)

[Photo from welcome.city.sapporo.jp]

The clock tower was built in 1878 as a theatrical hall of the Sapporo Agricultural School, present day Hokkaido University. The idea behind the tower came from Dr. Clark who was the school’s first vice principal. It was used as a facility where Agricultural School students conducted their military training and physical education, and as the main hall where commencement and other ceremonies were held.

Its main characteristic is the balloon-type wooden architecture, popular in the mid and western regions of America during the frontier era. It is well known for its red roof and white walls, but during the time, that it was used as the public library the color of its walls is said to have been green. Visitors can learn about the history of the Clock Tower, including the incident of the big fire, in the exhibition room on the first floor.


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