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Home> Destinations> Asia> Sapporo> See> Themed Routes


Updated: 2014-07-22 / (welcome.city.sapporo.jp)


[Photo from welcome.city.sapporo.jp]

With the catch phrase of “Porocle : Bicycling in Sapporo”, this is a new type of bicycle rental service called bicycle-sharing. You can easily rent a bicycle just by holding up a registered IC card at the port (a designated unmanned parking space) which is located in over 40 places within the center of Sapporo. It is a very convenient system where you can borrow and return the bicycle at any port.

If you are looking to sightsee in the city, we recommend the “1-Day Pass”, a service where you can use as many times as you want for 24 hours by purchasing a pass (¥1,050 cash) at the time of registration. If you are over 16 and have a mobile number and an identification card, you can register at any registration counter or an affiliated hotel. You can use this service for sightseeing as well as a way of transportion during business trips.


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