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Home> Destinations> Asia> Sapporo> See> Themed Routes

Hatsune Miku

Updated: 2014-07-22 / (welcome.city.sapporo.jp)


[Photo from welcome.city.sapporo.jp]

[Photo from welcome.city.sapporo.jp]

Hatsune Miku is the name of a voice synthesizer and character developed by Crypton Future Media, which is headquartered in Sapporo. The character was originally an illustration that adorned the package of the voice synthesizer, but when the company allowed noncommercial secondary use of the character, it became a hit on video sharing websites.

Today, there are numerous concerts, in which live music is played to accompany video of Hatsune Miku, produced domestically and internationally, and even a popular website for foreign fans called “mikubook.com.” Snow Miku, which is based on snow sculptures, is now used to promote Sapporo. We hope you’ll come see her!


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