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Home> Destinations> Asia> Sapporo> Shopping> Shopping Areas

JR Tower

Updated: 2014-07-22 / (welcome.city.sapporo.jp)
[Photo from welcome.city.sapporo.jp]

Four shopping zones at the entrance to Sapporo

Visitors can purchase souvenirs, sweets and electronic goods

JR Tower, a 38 floor building, is located in the South Entrance of JR Sapporo Station. It includes a shopping center, JR Tower Hotel Nikko Sapporo, offices and T38, an observation deck. The underground shopping center “Apia” is known for its glass dome which rises to street level. There are souvenir shops that sell local products as well as sweets from a well established store. In “Esta”, there is a food theme park “Sapporo Ramen Kyowakoku (Republic)”, an electronic retail store and a rooftop garden. The “paseo” which means promenade in Spanish is just that. Visitors can enjoy shopping while taking a stroll to the connecting elevated structure of the station or JR Sapporo East and West wings. In “Sapporo Stella Place”, there are restaurants and shops from the basement to the 6th floor and a cinema complex on the 7th floor.


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