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Luoyang Jianxi Industrial Heritage Block

Updated: 2014-07-24 / (english.cri.cn)

Experience the Glamour of Both Industrial Heritage and Modern Industry

In May 2011, the Ministry of Culture and State Administration of Cultural Heritage named the Jianxi Industrial Heritage Block of Luoyang as one of the most famous historic cultural blocks in China. Among all the historic cultural blocks confirmed at the same time, Jianxi Industrial Heritage Block is the only one that reflects the industrial heritage since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Shan Jixiang, former chief of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, called this block, with its completeness and authenticity, an essential part of China's industrialization and carries strong historic, scientific, artistic and social values.

The Luoyang Jianxi Industrial Heritage Block is a combined industrial and living zone area constructed by the former Soviet Union in Luoyang city. The block for the YTO Group Corporation, which owns the well-known brand “Red Oriental”, consists of factories, facilities, final assembly lines and residences in the style of the former Soviet Union.

On July 20, 1958, the first Chinese tractor was successfully assembled here. In the 1970s, Red Oriental tractors made 60 percent of all tractors in China, which established Red Oriental as a brand synonymous with Chinese mechanical agricultural.

The Jianxi Industrial Heritage Block witnessed the industrialization of PRC. The first tractor assembly line in China, the first Chinese military off-road trucks, the first Chinese battle tanks were all produced here. Traces of the planned economy era could also be found in the large machinery from former socialist countries the intact Soviet Union style buildings, and the instructions from Chairman Mao. The Red Oriental Industrial Block hosts the largest tractor panel manufacturing base in China, the largest off-road diesel engine production line and the largest off-road machinery drive manufacturing base. These all reflect the complete production system of mechanical facilities in China.

Come to the Jianxi Industrial Heritage block, and catch a brief glimpse into the past!


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