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Historic District of Old City Area

Updated: 2014-07-24 / (english.cri.cn)


[Photo from xinhuanet.com]

The Old City is located in east of Luoyang city’s downtown area. The Luohe River, the cradle of local civilization and the foundation of the city’s economic development, runs through the area. Luoyang city was built 3,050 years ago in 1050 BC, when Jidan, the brother of the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty decided to move the capital here. Today Old City includes one town and seven subdistrict offices, including Mangshan town, Xiguan subdistrict, Xinanyu subdistrict, Xibeiyu subdistrict, Dongnanyu subdistrict, Dongbeiyu subdistrict, Nanguan subdistrict and Luopu subdistrict. The area covers 56.7 square kilometers and has a population of 135,000 people.

Luoyang was once a political, economic, cultural and transport hub of ancient China. With a long history as the capital of China, the unique Luohe civilization has been developed here.

The city was home to many eminent Chinese who have left behind their precious cultural heritage. Cai Lun of the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 25-220) invented paper and the paper-making process here. This town is also where Zhang Heng of the Eastern Han Dynasty invented primitive seismographs for measuring earthquakes .Sima Qian of the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC – AD 24) wrote "Historical Records" here in Old Town. Sima Guang of the Northern Song Dynasty wrote "Zizhi Tongjian" ("Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government"),.Xu Shen of the Eastern Han Dynasty created "Shuowen Jiezi" (the first Chinese dictionary with character analysis). Many great poets such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Ouyang Xiu, Cao Zhi and Zuo Si composed a multitude of magnificent poems while living here.

The city boasts numerous cultural relics, which can be traced to all dynasties throughout Chinese history. The Old City area has been renovated and redeveloped into a tourism spot.


Lijing Gate

Lijing Gate, the west gate of ancient Luoyang city, was first built during the Sui Dynasty (AD 581-618) and rebuilt on the original site by the Luoyang government in 2002. Covering 18,000 square meters, the four-story gate consists of a gate tower, bulwark, an arrow tower, walls, the Lijing Bridge (a suspension bridge in the past) and a moat. The magnificent gate is a landmark of the old city area, with high walls, a wide bulwark and its complex constructions. The gate remains a symbol of Luoyang's history and culture. In terms of scale, Lijing Gate ranks first among all ancient buildings in Henan province. As the first gate in Luoyang and central China, the reconstructed Lijing Gate was hailed as one of the Luoyang’s new eight great scenes.


Bajiao Building

Located on the northeast corner of Shizijie Road in the old city area, the four-story Bajiao Building is 20 meters high and covers 1,600 square meters. The building was reconstructed in 2007 and imitates the ancient building style. The street where the building resides is one of the largest business streets in east Luoyang, with large supermarkets, shopping malls, and various restaurants all clustered here. It is a good destination for experiencing the ancient capital and its glamour.


Drum Tower

The Drum Tower was used in ancient times to mark the correct time. Its bell was rung in the morning, while its drum was beaten in the evening. The Chinese say “Chenzhongmugu”, that is, the morning bell and evening drum. Covering 288 square meters, the Ming and Qing-style tower is made of wood and black bricks. On the two sides of the arch, two Chinese characters are carved on a board. Above the arch are two stories. A big drum is placed in the middle of the first floor, while the second floor houses an iron bell with patterns of the eight diagrams: dragon, phoenix, plum flower, chrysanthemum, and the characters for prosperity and peace. The bell was cast in the 34th year of the reign of Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), the same year the Baima Temple bell was built. Since the perimeters of the two bells are the same, they have the same sound, giving rise to the saying, "If you hit one bell, the other one will also ring."


Wenfeng Pagoda

Wenfeng Pagoda is a key cultural relic under provincial protection. Located on the east end of Donghe Alley in the southern part of the old city area, the pagoda was built in the Northern Song Dynasty and renovated during the Yuan and Ming dynasties. Destroyed by warfare at the end of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), it was rebuilt by the Qing government and has been well preserved. The nine-story pagoda was built on a stone foundation and is made of brick. The body of the pagoda is square-shaped and 30 meters high. The first floor covers 49 square meters, while the top floor covers nine square meters. Four characters meaning "forward-looking" are carved on a board hanging on the arch of the top story. The top of the pagoda is cone-shaped and was once decorated with three yellow, white and green clay balls. Today only one ball remains.


Stores along Cultural Street

The Cultural Street in the old city area of Luoyang and has a good atmosphere complete with history, culture and has attracted many old brands and special stores. The street of Ming and Qing-style buildings shows the high value placed upon history, culture, art and science and often touches people's hearts. It is also the business center of the old city area. It is not just a habitat for local residents, but also a place of business and a destination for domestic and international tourists.


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