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Home> Destinations> Asia> Penang State> See> Natural Scene

Batu Feringghi - Foreigners' Rock

Updated: 2014-07-28 / (visitpenang.gov.my)
[Photo from visitpenang.gov.my]
[Photo from visitpenang.gov.my]

Batu Feringghi is the most popular beach destination for tourists and locals on the Penang island. This long stretch of golden sand is the center to a wide range of resorts, water sports, leisure activities and shopping.

On a relative scale, the beach may not be as gorgeous as those found on some islands off Peninsular Malayisa, but you get a wide mix of conveniences and facilities that make staying in Batu Feringgi a highly-accessible and relaxing vacation.

Also, the beautiful scenic backdrops of large granite boulders, fine sand, lush vegetation and calm waters make this the perfect place to enjoy the peace and serenity. The charm and appeal of Batu Feringghi still continues to mesmerize amounts of people.

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