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Home> Destinations> Asia> Penang State> See> Museums

Penang Islamic Museum, Lebuh Armenian

Updated: 2014-07-28 / (tourismpenang.net.my)
[Photo from tourismpenang.net.my]

Syed Al-Attas Mansion once belonged to Syed Mohammad Al-Attas, a Muslim of Achehnese descent who aupported Acheh’s struggle against the Dutch in the 19th century. Built in 1860 after the Straits Eclectic style, the mansion now houses the Penang Islamic Museum.

The Penang Islamic Museum is open to the public

daily except on Tuesdays.

Visiting hours are from 9:30am to 6:00pm.

Entrance fee: RM3 for adults and RM1 for children below 12 years of age.

Address: 128, Armenian Street, Penang, Malaysia.

Tel: +6 04 262 0172

Fax: +6 04 264 4692

Website: www.penangislamicmuseum.net


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