Some useful guidelines:
1) it is important to respect the plants and animals here. Please do not remove, damage, or intentionally disturb them.
2) Keep the grounds clean at all times. Do not litter. You can also help us by picking up any rubbish that you come across during your walk.
3) Stay on established trails.
4) Do not start fires.
5) Observe and listen to the voices of your natural surrounding. Appreciate nature without disturbing it with loud noises. Please also refrain from using any audio equipment.
The Monkeys:
1) Do not feed the monkeys.
2) Do not eat as you walk - monkeys love food and are likely to snatch it from you.
3) If you come across some on the path you are walking on, do not fear. Be calm, wait for someone else to come by before proceeding or turn around slowly and walk away. Do not look at them in the eye or intimidate them in any way.
Garden Tours
The gardens run guided tours for the public and for organized groups.
Plant Information Kiosk
Available at the Gardens office from 8.00am to 4.30pm on weekdays.
The Herbarium
The herbarium houses a collection of preserved, dried mounted specimens. it is open for botanicalenquiries of a professional nature. To use these scientific resources, a written request for permission is necessary.
Landscaping, Sales & Rental of Plants
For landscaping and rental of plants, prior application must be made to the Director of the Penang Botanic Gardens. The Gardens also provide sale of plants to the public at reasonable prices.
Plant Houses & Open Collections
Botanical expeditions carried out in the jungles of Penang Island and peninsular Malaysia resulted in the collection of numerous special species including rare species for conservation, cultivation and propagation purposes. These plants are showcased as collections in the Fern House, Palm Collection, Aroid Walkway, Orchidarium, Perdana Conservatory, Cactus House, Bromeliad and Begonia House, Herba Garden, Fern Rockery, Sun Rockery, and the Formal Garden.