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Home> Destinations> America> San Francisco> Experience> Nightlife

After Dark

Updated: 2014-07-29 / (sanfrancisco.travel)
[Photo from sanfrancisco.travel]
[Photo from sanfrancisco.travel]

Not a theater, cabaret, or gallery, After Dark contains aspects of all three. Each evening showcases a different topic—from music to sex to electricity— but all include a cash bar and film screenings, plus an opportunity to play with our hundreds of hands-on exhibits. Join us and mingle with inventive scientists, artists, musicians, programmers, and designers. Enjoy live performances, provocative films, interesting music, cutting-edge technology, unexpected extravaganzas, and more, depending on each evening's lineup. Leave the kids at home and meet friends or take a date. Where else can you find an intellectually stimulating playground for adults?

Open every Thursday night, 6 to 10pm, for adults only (18+)

For a full list of upcoming showcases, follow the Exploratorium online calendar.


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