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Home> Destinations> Asia> Sanya> See> Natural Scene

Binglang River

Updated: 2014-11-27 / (wtcf.travel)

Binglang River Rural Tourist Area sits downstream of the Shuiyuanchi Reservoir, along the Binglang River, and 1 km north of Phoenix Road in Sanya. It is close to the urban district, only 10 km to downtown Sanya and 3 km to the Sanya Phoenix Airport. The tourist area boasts rich ecological tourism resources, vast and various green plants, including betel (bīngláng in Chinese) forests. Its climate is quite agreeable. Walking along the banks of the Binglang River, you will feel more than pleased with the blessings of the beautiful scenery and the gentle breeze. The vegetation coverage of the area exceeds 85%, and the content of negative oxygen ions in the atmosphere tops the list nationwide. The Binglang River is the middle section of the Liuluo River, a branch of the West Sanya River. The whole section is 3 km long and runs across Binglang Village. The water is so clear that you can see fish swimming in it. The whole area makes a quiet and secluded painting of nature, with bridges, streams, mountains, flowers, betel trees and various other primitive plants.


The Li ethnic group originated from the ancient Baiyue nationality, which migrated from the provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi to Hainan Island long before the Qin and Han Dynasties (around 2nd century BC to 2nd century AD). There are 15 Li ethnic villages with a total population of more than 5,000 living in the Binglang River Tourist Area. As the Binglang River is at the mid-section of the Liuluo River and runs across Binglang Village, the village is prone to floods, which occur almost every year.


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