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Home> Destinations> Europe> Riga> To Know

Tax Free

Updated: 2015-03-10 / (liveriga.com)

[Photo from liveriga.com]

There are more than 1000 stores in Riga that in collaboration with the Global Blue offer to use the TAX free service — to recover some of the money spent on purchases. Information on how to use the advantages of the TAX free service is indicated below.

Who may use the TAX free service in latvia?

All non-European Union Member State citizens and inhabitants may use the TAX free service inLatvia.

What is the minimum sum to use the TAX free service?

It is possible to recover up to 15% of the sum of the purchase when shopping for a minimum of EUR 44.

What should I do to get the TAX free service?

TAX free form

When purchasing a product, ask the TAX free form to the salesperson.


When you leave Latvia, you must present the purchase receipt, passport and TAX free form at the customs, and it must stamped by a customs officer.

Receipt of refund

Present the stamped TAX Free form, passport and receipt/credit card at Global Blue or one of the Global Blue partner offices and get a tax refund. It is possible to receive a refund in cash or by transfer to a credit card. Additional information: taxfree.lv@global-blue.com, +371 67212590, www.global-blue.com



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