In any emergency situation you should call the free number 112, as this is the contact number for the emergency services. This number can be used to contact police, fire brigade, ambulance, and gas emergency services. Operators can take calls in Latvian, Russian, English, and German.
Call the official tourist “hotline” 1188 and receive information in several foreign languages. All essential information can be found out by calling this number: public transport timetables, addresses and working hours of shops and services, contact information of private individuals, business information, and all essential tourist information. 1188 is the most popular information service in the country, with calls costing 40 santims (58 euro cents) a minute, the basic charge for the service. Callers from mobile phones must also pay the tariff charged by their mobile phone operator.
It works out cheaper to use the 1188 information service homepage at, which is also available in English and Russian.
Riga State Police also have a special Tourism Division who ensure public order and inform visitors to the city of the accepted rules of behaviour in Riga, as well as providing information to foreign visitors on how to get assistance in the event of various mishaps and accidents.
The Tourism Police work throughout the city; however, the majority of patrols take place in Old Riga. A 24-hour information hotline is available for foreigners at +371 67181818, which provides essential information in English and Russian.
There are various other information hotlines in Riga, which usually charge a fee.
A wide range of information can be obtained in Latvian, Russian, and English by calling 1180 and 1189.
It is also worth learning a few more telephone numbers which could be useful in specific emergencies (available in Latvian, Russian, and English):
in the event of loss of bank cards – 67092555;
psychological help in crisis situations – 67222922;
SOS search and rescue at sea – 67323103.
Other hotlines which operate in the Latvian and Russian languages:
24-hour veterinary assistance – 26539900;
emergency unlocking of car locks, doors, and safes – 29212680.