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Transport Museums

Updated: 2014-07-18 / (tourism.milan.it)

[Photo from tourism.milan.it]

Many companies which were founded and developed in Milan and Lombardy over the last two centuries are linked to the world of mechanical engineering, and more in general to transport. A dense network of private and public museums illustrates the links between engineering and the area.

The starting-point for the itinerary is the famous Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnica (National museum of science and technology) in Via San Vittore, not far from the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio. From here, the route leads to the historic ATM archive in Via Ricasoli and, in the northern part of the city in Viale Sarca, the Pirelli historic archive.

The other museums are in the provinces of Milan, Varese and Lecco, and they can only be reached by car. The Quattroruote Museum is about ten kilometres from Milan, at Rozzano, and it is linked to the like-named car magazine. Continuing southwards for another twenty kilometres brings us to Robecco sul Naviglio and the Museo dei Navigli (Canals museum), in the lovely premises of Palazzo Archinto. North of Milan, the Museo Alfa Romeo (Alfa Romeo Museum) is situated in the historic Alfa Romeo works in Arese (normally open to the public, but closed for refurbishment until December 2009).

In Bresso, there is the Iso Rivolta Space, while, moving eastwards to Rodano, we find the Scooter and Lambretta museum. At least a day could be dedicated to transport museums in the province of Varese. The Museo dell’industria e del lavoro (Industry and labour museum) is located in Saronno; the Agusta Museum is at Cascina Costa in Samarate, and the Museo Europeo dei Trasporti Ogliari (European transport museum) is in Ranco. The itinerary ends with the Moto Guzzi Museum in Mandello del Lario, in the province of Lecco.

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