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Cremona, Land of Art and Music

Updated: 2014-07-18 / (tourism.milan.it)
[Photo from tourism.milan.it]

Close to the border between Lombardy and Emilia Romagna, the province of Cremona is a location offering a range of resources. It appeals to those who appreciate the natural setting, to people who like art and culture, and those who enjoy rediscovering traditional foods and traditions from the rural context.

As well as the city of Cremona itself, the area features many other interesting locations, such as Crema with its Rococo and 17th century buildings, Casalmaggiore on the banks of the river Po, the famous Soncino castle, and the walled city of Pizzighettone. For nature lovers, in the area there are the Serio and Oglio Parks, and the nature reserves on the river Po.

But Cremona is the true jewel in the Po district. Its symbol is the famous tower known as the Torrazzo. This monument is 112.27 metres high, and it has an astronomical clock dating back to the 1500s. It is the second highest such tower in Italy, behind the Mortegliano tower in the province of Udine, which reaches 113.20 m.

Cremona is famous world-wide for its musical traditions, above all those liked to violin making. However it also has important traditions in theatre and musical training.

It is the town of Antonio Stradivari, the greatest and most famous violin maker of all time, and likewise of Andrea Amati and Claudio Monteverdi.

Cremona preserves important artefacts related to musical personalities at the Museo Stradivariano and in the collection at Palazzo Comunale. The ancient tradition of musical instrument construction continues still today at the Scuola Internazione di Liuteria, which is accompanied by other organizations providing specialist training in this area, and by crafts workshops.

A tour of the Po area should include a visit to Cremona in order to explore the many works of art and architecture in this incredible city. A visit could begin from Piazza del Comune, location of the splendid Cathedral of Romanesque origins, the Baptistry, the Loggia dei Militi and Palazzo del Comune. It represents a remarkable artistic setting.

Outside the “Old city”, which is enclosed by the Ancient Roman walls, there is the “New city”, which developed in Mediaeval times. There are important monuments here as well, such as the Cittanova, Trecchi and Raimondi palazzi, Piazza Sant’Agata and the like-named church with frescoes by Giulio Campi, and the churches of Sant’Abbondio, Santa Margherita and Sant’Omobono, dedicated to the patron saint of the city.


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