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Home> Destinations> Europe> Milan> Eat and Drink> Cafes

Old Fashion Cafè

Updated: 2014-07-18 / (tourism.milan.it)

From 1933, Old Fashion Café has been rewriting the history of the most glamorous Milanese evenings. This venue, which has survived war, is situated inside the Palazzo dell’Arte, constructed by Giovanni Muzio, architect and exponent of Italian Futurism.

Over the years, Old Fashion has become the preferred location of the stars of the calibre of the likes of Madonna, Christina Aguilera, Naomi Campbell and designers such as Armani, Donatella Versace and Krizia. Once it became an icon of fashion, design and the life of VIPs, Old Fashion began to evolve into a modern and elegant locale where one can experience the most refined pleasures of music and of the palate.

The venue was inducted into the “international hall fame” on the evening of 23rd May 1968, when Jimi Hendrix sent a crowd of 1500 people into delirium with a euphoric performance on his Stratocaster.

Today, Old Fashion is favoured for receptions, brunches, aperitifs, company dinners and large events in the restaurant that is replete with an internal garden and double dance hall.


ADDRESS: Viale Alemagna, 6 - 20121 Milan


Entrance from 9.30pm to 4.30am

Restaurant: from 9.30pm to 12.00am

Priveee: from 12.00am to 4.00am

TICKETS INFORMATION: Entrance price varies according to event and evening.

PHONE: +39.02.8056231

WEBSITE: www.oldfashion.it


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