For information regarding the closest taxi ranks, the Comune di Milano offers the following service:
Taxi subito 14 78 14 81
By calling from a public telephone or private landline, a recorded voice lists the taxi ranks closest to the caller’s location.
Moving around easily
Metropolitana, Tram and Bus
Bike Sharing
Bicycles are a mode of transport that is ecological and practical for travelling in the city. Milan offers 144 Km of bike paths where lovers of bicycles can pedal away in tranquillity.
The Bike Sharing service allows bicycles to be rented using a daily, weekly or annual pass that can be purchased from the ATM Points Duomo, Cadorna, Loreto, Centrale, Garibaldi and Romolo or on the internet.
There is a map of bicycle collection stations available on the website at Only persons over 16 years of age may rent bicycles and they must also be in possession of a credit card. The pass will then be delivered directly to their house.
Bike sharing: 800 80 81 81
Car Sharing
EQ Sharing © Comune di Milano
A Car Sharing service, managed by several societies operating in Milan, is available. This is an innovative service that allows you to choose your vehicle and then deposit it in various parking areas around the city after use. The user of this service has a wide range of vehicles at their disposal. The service can be activated upon payment of security deposit for a monthly or annual pass and in order to be able to use the vehicle, it is necessary to pick up a special magnetic card. For the entire duration of the booking, the car is used as if it was the driver’s own and comprehensive insurance, 24-hour assistance and petrol are all included in the fee.
GuidaMi Car Sharing Milano
via Ricasoli, 1 - 20121 Milano
Telefono: 800 80 81 81 Fax: 02 4803 5539
Sems s.r.l.
piazzale Cadorna,14 - 20123 Milano
Telefono: 800 500 005