Time zone UTC+3
The Belarusian ruble is a national currency in Belarus. It isn't freely convertible therefore it can't be bought before you arrive in the country.
In Belarus goods and services payments in shops, hotels, restaurants may be made with Visa and MasterCards.
Currency exchange
Money can be exchanged in all bank and exchange offices.
Most foreign visitors must have an entry visa to enter Belarus. To obtain an entry visa, a foreign citizen should submit some documents to a visa issuing authority.
For more information about visas follow www.mfa.gov.by/en/visa
When entering Belarus you must complete a customs declaration.
Citizens are allowed to carry up to 50 kg of goods for personal use. The value of goods must not exceed an amount equivalent to 1500 euro (by plane – 10000 euros).
Further information is available at www.gtk.gov.by/en
For travelling to Belarus you must obtain medical insurance covering the duration of your stay in the country.
For more information follow www.belgosstrakh.by/en , www.eximgarant.by
Emergency phone numbers
101 – Emergency Service
102 – Police
103 – Ambulance
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