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Home> Destinations> Europe> Minsk> Shopping

The taxfree system

Updated: 2014-07-30 / (minsktravelguide.com)

Since January 1, 2013, the taxfree system has been launched in Belarus.

Not all purchases are taxable in Belarus. Only definite types of goods and products are the subjects to tax by the VAT at the rate of 20 percent and will be provided with return of 15 percent of the purchase sum. Buyers acquire the right to return the fixed sum of money on Taxfree system if they purchase products which cost more than 800 000 Belarusian rubles within one working day in one of the shops being included in the VAT program.

The VAT doesn't return back upon purchase of tobacco products and alcohol. Children's goods, food and automobile fuel are also dropped out of the list.

More information about shopping on http://minsktourism.by/en/shopping1

The list of shops included in VAT program on http://www.tax-free.by/pokupatel/shops.php


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