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Home> Destinations> Asia> Hangzhou> Shopping> Shopping Areas

The MIXC Mall

Updated: 2014-08-12 / (wtcf.travel)

[Photo from en.gotohz.com]

District: Jianggan District

Postcode: 310000

Address: No. 701 Fuchun Road

Phone: 0571-89705888

Fax: 0571-89705887

Website: http://www.hzmixc.com/

Consumers: The young and new families

Credit cards acceptable: UnionPay, Visa

Hours: 10:00-21:30(Sunday-Thursday); 10:00-22:01(Friday, Saturday)

The MIXC Mall is a very nice place for serious shoppers or a stroll through the complex. There are plenty of luxury, sport, electronic and gadget shops, and lots of restaurants serving all kinds of food. The cinema includes an IMAX theater, where you can even watch ice skating.

Bus routes

Line 156, 84, 325, 105, 106, 566


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