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Home> Destinations> Africa> Victoria Seychelles> To Know


Updated: 2014-08-23 / (seychelles.travel)

The lovely region of the Seychelles Islands and the capital also well known as Victoria or Port Victoria and are situated on the island of Mahé.

It is a very popular international destination. A few centuries it was a settlement site under French colonial rule, the British consequently took over in the year 1811. The capital city was named for Queen Victoria of England.

The main attraction of the metropolis is a clock tower modeled similar to the Little Ben clock tower outside Victoria station in London. This region is very popular amongst everyone young and old. Port of Victoria is very famous for all young and old who want to come here and have a good time with their friends and family.

As the trade and civilization Center of Seychelles Island Victoria, there is a Polytechnic Institute, teachers' preparation institute, the hospital, the national stadium, and the famous airport, which was completed in 1971.

It also has a famous Post Office built in the time of the colonial age and the airport is the hub for Air Seychelles, which flies to the majority of global destinations. People from all over the world make it a point to come and stay here and enjoy time with their family.

This region has prime exports comprising of vanilla, coconuts, coconut oil, and tortoise shells. The majority of the inhabitants work and live in and around the region of Victoria.

The places of importance are the botanical gardens, the museums, and the Sir Selwyn Clarke marketplace. The markets are abundant and there are local bargains for fresh fruit, vegetables and fish. These things are priced very attractively and visitors do not need to shell out a big amount so there is little danger of spending too much.

An Indian Ocean earthquake occurred in the year of 2004 and shattered one of the major bridges in Victoria. The buses are accessible and are comfortable, though unbalanced. The most popular conventional and reasonably priced mode of transport is a bicycle, which is accessible for a rental fee in the majority local shops. Before hiring a taxi, one has to barter in order to get the good deal on fare charges. The greenery of this place is very good and full of fun, and people can have a great time.

During the time of year when the tourists spend their time enjoying the sunshine and the waters, there are also a number of water sports and one can go fishing and play golf.

Without question the premiere attraction here is diving. The island of Seychelles has one of the most multicolored undersea landscapes in the world, with charming and multicolored flora, and the amazingly wrought and tinted species of fish.

A number of the most attractive places are the Trois. There are many good places to enjoy and have fun with your friends and family. People come here and enjoy having fun and playing games; there is something for everyone. Families can also rent an apartment, which is much more economical than a hotel room.

The Seychelles is a collection 115 islands stretching 1.500 kilometers (932 mi) from the Eastern coast of Africa to the middle of Indian Ocean.

The islands are a coral atoll. Unlike other similar formations, this land is not volcanic. According to scientific research, the island is the peak of a giant undersea plain, which was cut down off the rim of India about 60 million years ago.

Huge areas of sand, an area of plateaus and mountains constitute the land that includes a good deal of forest with diverse plants and fauna. The scenery here is amazing and people enjoy it a great deal.


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