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Home> Destinations> Africa> Victoria Seychelles> See> Museums

Natural History Museum

Updated: 2014-08-23 / (seychelles.travel)

Address : Independence Avenue, Victoria, Mahé

Tel : +248 4 32 13 33

Fax : +248 4 32 48 92

Email : nathismus@seychelles.sc


The Natural History Museum hosts exhibitions that not only illustrate the flora, fauna and geological history of Seychelles, but serve to enlighten visitors about major environmental concerns with the aim of promoting positive attitudes and actions in conserving our natural heritage.

Seven prominent aspects of Seychelles' natural heritage are showcased through exhibits and dioramas, and the museum's documentation/resource center contains a wealth of research material in various formats.

Entrance Fee:

Residents: SR 5.00

Non-Resident: SR 15.00

Children over 12 years and students: SR 2.00

Elderly Free

Opening Hours

Mon-Thurs: 08:30-16:30

Fri: 08:30-12:00

Sat: 09:00-13:00

Closed Sundays

We only accept cash


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