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Home> Destinations> Africa> Victoria Seychelles> See> Museums

Seychelles National Archives

Updated: 2014-08-23 / (seychelles.travel)

Address : National Library Building, Francis Rachel Street, Victoria, Mahé

Tel : +248 4 32 13 33

Fax : +248 4 32 24 81

Email : archives@seychelles.net

Website : www.sna.gov.sc



The National Archives of Seychelles is charged with preserving the wealth of Seychelles' history and, specifically, is concerned with the storing and showcasing of valuable government records. The collection of Archives goes back as far as the early 1770s when man first came to Seychelles. A vast collection of photographs of times gone by are also housed here.

Custodians of the soul of Seychelles' history, and our researchers are both friendly and efficient and will ensure that your visit to the National Archives is both a pleasant and informative one.


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