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Home> Destinations> Africa> Victoria Seychelles> Transportation


Updated: 2014-08-23 / (seychelles.travel)

The primary means of public transport throughout the principal islands of Mahé and Praslin is by bus with shorter or longer versions of the vehicle being employed according to road conditions.

For purposes of placing public transport on an organised basis a parastatal organisation was constituted in 1977 to provide road passenger transport services on Mahé and Praslin. The Seychelles Public Transport Corporation (STPC) operates a network of 41 routes with 1100 trips daily running according to well-defined schedules that carry the public throughout Mahé and Praslin at a flat rate of SCR5 per trip. An air-conditioned bus service offers commuters a greater standard of comfort at a slightly higher fare of SCR10.

To obtain more information and/or an SPTC bus time-table, please contact their Communications Unit on +248 4 28 02 27/228 from 08:00 to 16:00 from Monday to Friday.


Seychelles Public Transport Corporation (SPTC) PO Box 610 Victoria, Mahè

Tel: +248 4 28 02 80

Fax: +248 4 32 24 25

E-mail: inquiries@sptc.sc

Website: www.sptc.sc


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