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Home> Destinations> Europe> Minsk> See> Museums

National Art Museum of Belarus

Updated: 2015-03-19 / (minsktravelguide.com)

[Photo provided for wtcf.travel]

The museum of the Republic of Belarus has the largest collection of works of art. The official history of the museum began in January 24, 1939. According to the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR in Minsk, National Art Gallery was created. All the exhibits of the museum, collected before 1941, were lost or stolen during the war. The building was restored from scratch, and the housing was re-built. Since 1994 it has had its own archive, and since 1989 the restoration workshops has a large staff of experts in various fields. In 2000 in Minsk another branch of the Museum «Dom Vankovichei» was opened. Culture and art of the first half of the XIX century, which contains exhibits of paintings of the first half of the XIX century. Collection of pre-revolutionary Russian and Belarusian, Western, Eastern countries, the Soviet Belarusian art has now more than 30,000 works of painting, sculpture, drawing, arts and crafts.

Address: 20 Lenina Street

Opening hours: Mon–Sun: 11:00–19:00, Tue – closed

Phone: +375-17-227-71-63

Web site: artmuseum.by/eng/main


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