Palazzo Marino - Piazza della Scala
Palazzo Marino, seat of the City Hall since 1861, "opens its doors" to the Milanese and visitors during the Expo months with new itineraries and spaces that have never previously been available for viewing. Four magnificent rooms will become part of the Palazzo itineraries. From the Sala Tempere, with its paintings from the 1600s, the Sala degli Arazzi with tapestries that illustrate the life of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, the Sala della Trinità with the two angels attributed to the work of Giovan Mauro della Rovere, known as Fiammenghino, and the Sala Resurrezione with frescoes attributed to Giovanni da Lomazzo.
Palazzo Marino - Sala Degli Arazzi
The ancient tapestries illustrate some episodes from the life of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius. There are also tapestries illustrating mythological stories: in the last tapestry, that was woven in a workshop in Brussels in the sixteenth century (perhaps one of the oldest in the municipal collections), the heroes Perseus and Bellerophon are represented as they fight against the beasts. The sala degli Arazzi is one of the four halls at Palazzo Marino which will be open to visit during Expo (may-october 2015)