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Home> Destinations> Asia> Guangzhou> See> Parks and Gardens

Guangzhou Zoo

Updated: 2014-07-09 / (wtcf.travel)

[Photo from visitgz.com]

Guangzhou Zoo was built in 1958, covering an area of 42 hectares. Nearly 5,000 animals of more than 400 domestic and overseas species are raised and exhibited here. It is one of the three biggest zoos in China, attracting more than 4 million visitors every year.

Over 50 years' development, the park has become a comprehensive tourist attraction featuring exhibition and popular science education of animals, supported by amusement and catering facilities. The park offers exhibitions of domestic animals based on different types, such as insect, amphibians and reptiles, birds, primates, beasts of prey and herbivores. It not only houses rare animals only to be found in China, like pandas, golden monkeys, South China tigers, David's deer and black-necked cranes, but also includes rare and valuable animals from all continents of the world, like chimpanzees, giraffes, African elephants, hippos and rhinoceros. In recent years, the park has developed several attractive scenic spots and projects, including the largest onshore ocean world in China, the original and unique outdoor fish exhibition garden—Goldfish Garden, the amusing Animal Behavior Exhibition Hall and the Animal Square where visitors can get close to animals. And tourists will be enchanted by the program of "Animal Feeding Show" which shows visitors the scenes of hippos eating with a wide-open mouth and pelicans catching fishes cunningly with their beak.

The various programs in the park will offer tourists a quality family time. For the "Animal Feeding Show" program, the keeper will show tourists the feeding of hippos by throwing food into their mouths and the interesting food taking scenes of pelicans and other animals at a regular time every day; the Ocean World, the Goldfish Garden, the Butterfly Garden and other themed exhibition halls lead tourists to the fantastic tour to the nature; the Animal Behavior Exhibition Hall shows tourists the funny behaviors and superb skills of animals; in the Animal Square, tourists can have close contact and take photos with small animals and watch the wonderful folk performance; and the large amusement park offers amusement programs for the whole family and is a best choice for friends who love amusement ride.

Traffic information

Bus stops: Guangzhou Zoo station, south gate of Guangzhou Zoo station, Guangzhou Zoo subway station

Address: No 120 Xianlie Zhonglu, Guangzhou (north gate); entrance to Huanshi road (south gate)

Open hours: 8:00-18:00 (admission ticket stops selling at 16:00)

Admission: 20 yuan/person for adults (only for reference)

Website: www.gzzoo.com.cn

Tel.: +86 (20)-38377572


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