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Home> Destinations> Asia> Guangzhou> Eat and Drink> Bars

A1 CLUB Table

Updated: 2014-07-09 / (wtcf.travel)

Starhouse on Xianlie Road of Guangzhou attracts a lot of bars, design workshops, recording studios, piano workshops, photographic studios and clubs of paragliders and off-road vehicles, where you’d feel totally different lifestyle.

A1 Club features a variety of lamps, for example, antique lamps, fashionable lamps and birdcage-shaped lamps drooping from the roof. The most impressive lamp is a table lamp made of vin mousseux bottles of France. It is said that the owner of A1 Club will present you a unique table lamp made of such two wine bottles if you pay for the wines.

Big “A1” laid with rough bricks at the entrance tells the visitors that “this is the place you are looking for right now”

Similar to other space within Starhouse, A1 Club is sited in a mottled rough building, but when you enter, you’ll find that it is just what you want – rough appearance with delicate heart.

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