A Video Message from Julia Simpson, WTTC President and CEO

Publish Time:2023-05-09 14:50:50Source:WTCF

【Introduction】:"City tourism is one of the fastest-growing travel segments.Bangkok, Hong Kong and of course, Changsha are among the most visited cities in the world.As the writer, Rebecca Solnit said, the word citizen has to do with cities.The ideal city is organized around citizenship, around participation and public life."

At WTTC, we are proud to be long-standing supporters of the World Tourism Cities Federation.

In the past ten years, WTCF has achieved great outcomes on bringing tourism cities together, cities worldwide, and providing a great platform to share best practices and to facilitate collaboration.

We really look forward to continuing to work with you in tandem on our most pressing issues in travel and tourism.

City tourism is one of the fastest-growing travel segments.Bangkok, Hong Kong and of course, Changsha are among the most visited cities in the world.As the writer, Rebecca Solnit said, the word citizen has to do with cities.The ideal city is organized around citizenship, around participation and public life. That is the ideal of a modern metropolis, places where people come together with bright ideas working for the public good.Cities that people the world over will travel literally thousands of miles to participate in, to enjoy and to just bear witness. That's why summits like this are so critical. They put our cities at the top of the agenda.

My very best wishes to you for your Summit.

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